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Pre-launch Textpattern checklist

3 min read

About to launch a website built using Textpattern? You'll want to make sure everything is fine and dandy before launching. It's so easy to get focused on the site specifics that a few basic must-dos can easily get missed, so hopefully the following checklist will be of use to you:-

Pre-launch checklist

1. Remove textpattern/setup/

Get rid of the textpattern/setup/ directory — once Textpattern is installed you really don't need or want this directory so it is best removed.

2. Validate

Make sure your markup complies with good web standards.  Textpattern is "Standards compliant by default" so it is worth making sure that what you are launching is too.

Make use of the W3C's Validator as well as their CSS Validator.

3. Remove test content

Make sure you delete any test content you've added (you know all that useful Loriem Ipsum text you possibly put up for testing). There's also article #1 that Textpattern added on install, that "Welcome to Your Site!" one, and Donald Swain's comment (#000001).

4. Remove unwanted templates/plugins

The chances are that there are a few page and form templates that you're just not using (including those Textpattern installed). It's worth removing these so that a few months down the line you don't get confused over their purpose, or where things are actually happening. Basically make sure that everything under your Presentation tab is nice and tidy.

Similarly, it is worth taking a glance over your plugins table (Admin>Plugins) to make sure that anything not being used is at least disabled, or better still deleted.

5. Pre-flight diagnostics check

Ensure everything passes the pre-flight checks on the diagnostics tab. You'll find the site diagnostics under the Admin tab of textpattern/ and hopefully will see the text "All checks passed!" in green.  This will make sure that:-

  1. textpattern/setup/ has been removed (#1 on my checklist)
  2. your file directory path is writable

6. Go live!

Make sure that your site's production status is set to live and not testing (and definitely not debugging). You don't want any unpleasant Textpattern or PHP errors showing on your new site once it is no longer in the development phase.  The live status also has less of an overhead on the server.


This is by no means a definitive list, if you have any suggestions/additions to this then feel free to leave a comment below. Hopefully the checklist will help some of you out there when you next deploy a site with Textpattern.

© 2025 Andy Carter